星期三, 四月 09, 2008

Issue on Vmware!!!

I encountered an issue on Vmware.When I open a *.vmx file and *.vmds by vmware workstantion 6,It will pop up a dialog with the caution including the words as follows:"Reason Failed to lock the file".I searched it for the reason and the solutions on Google,but I can not get the solutions on it,just get the reason:
"Permission issue".What a great reason!!!No solution,just no solution.OK,Just do it by myself.I viewed the files and folders on the folder with a *.vmx file and *.vmds,An idea come out in my mind.When I deleted *.loc subfolder and open the *.vmx again,that is a miracle, and the *.vmx can be open smoothly.God!!!What a silly mistake for vmware!!!The lock files will block the *.vmx running smoothly!!!

